I'm a game making dude that likes games. I like unity for this, but i hear Unreal engine is good too!
I like VR games! When i was a kid i heard about it but i never thought it would work for real but now it does. But a lot of people are super sceptical and jaded. That makes me sad. Its like the thing you dreamed about as a kid actually came to your house to hang out, but you had already turned into an crabby old person who doesnt like stuff anymore. Nope, i say! I'm not saying its going to replace normal games or anything, but i want to at least give it a try, dag nab it!
My day job is Animating for a games company. I wasn't really a programmer until about 2 years ago. Now i can sort of code. Thanks to unity learn channel and brackeys! Good stuff! So, now i can do games all by myself! Hooray for me! Ok, thats enough typing. Bye!